10 Grand Ave, London, ON
Charles Goodhue had Waverly built in 1882 with funds that he received from his father George Goodhue one of London’s first millionaires (Canada, n.d.). Both Idlewyld and Waverley were “built by wealthy Londoners” (Grainger, 2002). Currently the location is a retirement home (see Figure 9). Comparing the current view to the historic photograph (Figure10) emphasizes human and nature at odds. O’Brien and Szeman (2010) point out that wilderness conflicts with human settlement and industrialization (O’Brien & Szeman, 2010). The “unsettled space” of nature surrounding the historic mansion is now replaced with a parking lot, apartment buildings, and the residence complex (O’Brien & Szeman, 2010). Much of the original building can be seen in elements of the current photograph; however, nature has vastly disappeared and now clings to the building through vines.
Figure 9: Waverley Retirement Home 2021
Figure 10: Waverley Mansion - historic