36 Grand Ave, London, ON
Charles Smith Hyman built Idlewyld in 1879 on land that was purchased for $4,000 (London, 2020). Hyman became the mayor in 1884 and was elected as the M.P for London in 1900. I found it interesting to learn that Sir Wilfred Laurier was a welcome guest at Idlewyld and would stay at Hyman’s home when he was in London (London, 2020).
Idlewyld pictured in Figure 7 is currently an inn and spa and has doubled from its original size. The left-hand side of the building remarkably looks very much the same as the historical picture of Idlewyld (Figure 8). Unlike the Normal School, the addition to Idlewyld does not detract its appearance and honours the past by seamlessly maintaining the original feel of the building’s architecture.